Our forest nursery is located in Horná Štubňa. On an area of more than 3 hectares, we cultivate forest trees. We also offer the services related to forestry as planting, protection against weeds, animals and other services related to forest cultivation.
In our forest nursery we grow seedlings and plants of the following plants:
- Abies alba
- Acer pseudoplatanus
- Fagus sylvatica
- Larix decidua
- Picea abies
- Pinus sylvestris
- Pinus mugo
- Quercus robur/petrea
- and other plants
The plants is carefully sorted according to customer criteria and stored in our cold store, where it is protected from climatic conditions (heat, drought…). Sorting of forest trees takes place in a hall in order to minimize drying of and possible damage to the plants by external conditions.
Upon agreement with the customer, we can also arrange the transport of forest trees.